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Charlie, Ollie, Stick si Bunny

 Toti cei 4 pitici si-au gasit stapani iubitori in Romania! Cei 4 catei au fost preluati dintr-un sat de la marginea Clujului, unde, clasica poveste – s-au nascut nedoriti, oamenii nu aveau ce face cu ei si riscau sa fie aruncati intr-un rau, abandonati in padure sau omorati. Dupa o baie lunga si o deparazitare minutioasa, au avut parte in sfarsit de mancare buna, caldura si un somn linistit. 


Charlie, Ollie si Bunny have been adopted in Romania! The 4 puppies were taken from a village near the edge of Cluj, where the classic story happened – they were born unwanted and they would have ended up thrown into a river, in the woods or killed. After a long bath, they have be dewormed, they ate and had finally a good sleep. 

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